Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Creating a video game "like the Olympics," says 'Metal Gear' director

Creating a video game can be 'like the Olympics,' wrote Metal Gear Solid director Hideo Kojima just prior to London 2012.

'It's a big event every three or four years. Your goal is to compete on the world stage, you can't think about anything else,' he told his followers on Twitter.

'The last half is difficult and you think about retiring afterward. But when it's over, you start thinking about the next tournament.'

So what is Kojima's next main event? That's still under wraps, but the timing's right for a new announcement. Metal Gear Solid 4 was launched on PlayStation 3 a full four years ago in June 2008.

Portable Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was released on PSP in 2010, and HD reissues of earlier games were compiled for Xbox 360, PS3 and Vita in 2011 and 2012.

Kojima Productions is responsible for a new game engine, the Fox Engine, which will be powering FIFA rival Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 as well as new installments in the Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders series.

The technology is to be shown off at an official Metal Gear 25th Anniversary party in Japan on August 30.

Hideo Kojima on Twitter: @kojima_hideo [Japanese] / @hideo kojima_EN [excerpts in English]
Official Metal Gear 25th Anniversary site: konami.jp/mg25th

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