Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Google search data can be used to predict how well new video games will sell

What do Google (GOOG) searches and video games sales have in common? More than we thought. According to a report called "Understanding the Modern Gamer," there is a lot of insight on game sales that can be gleaned from video game-related searches. For example, using tracked search data from 2010 and 2011, the white paper reveals that "if a game accrues 250,000 clicks in the 10 months around launch, it will likely sell between 2 and 4 million units in the first four months after release." The report claims it can predict 84% of game sale just from using Google searches.

In addition to predictive sales data, the analysis also says that 27% of game-related searches - for pre-orders, trailers, DLC, strategies, cheats, etc. - are performed on mobile devices, which means engaging gamers with related mobile applications is growing in importance.

By studying search data, publishers and their marketing/public relations teams can devise a strategy to properly guide a game to success. As shown below, important searches differ during different periods, from pre-launch to during launch to post-launch. So if you've ever wondered why media are drip-fed only a handful of screenshots for a new game at certain times, this type of data is the reason.

[Via Destructoid]


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